Thursday, February 6, 2014


Friends and family,
This past month has brought the largest amount of rain in the history of this area. So we've been racking our brains quite a bit to try to come up with an idea of how we can work effectively in an area that for the most part is flooded. For the most part, we've done quite a bit of service for families in the area whose homes have been flooded or need repair.
This place is absolutely incredible. I think I said that before, but it really is. It constantly smells like pine, and the greenery and hills make me feel like I'm in a fairy tale movie.
In other news, in this area there are many people who speak Welsh as a first language, or speak only Welsh. So my companion and I have been assigned to learn Welsh. I now have language study. This should be quite interesting, as many of the words don't have vowels, but I'll give it a go.
This last week, we had a lesson with a woman who was brought up Catholic. As we explained prayer, she started to tear up. She said that she always wanted to pray directly to her Father in heaven, but felt like she had to go through someone else. She loved that she didn't need to have an appointment or set wording. This last week, I have thought about this and found that I've really taken this knowledge for granted. I love being able to pray in the middle of the night, early in the morning, any time and know that I am heard.
I love you all! Jesus loves you. Sorry there won't be any pictures, as I left my cord at the flat.
Sister K

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